
September 1st

I was laying down last night about to go to sleep in my new place and thinking about how finally September is here. I woke up this morning to a fall breeze and felt really good. For some reason I have been feeling sad about summer ending but the autumn breeze is winning me over. This summer presented a lot of challenges for me and I'm so happy to have overcome them and just to be feeling good and normal again. A few weeks ago one of my best friend's noted the change in my voice, he left me a message saying it was so good to hear me sounding cheerful and upbeat. I hadn't realized for the past few months my voice had taken on a different tone. It's interesting how you can be harboring this sadness within you and you think no one notices but your energy is actually very apparent.

So my voice is back to its chirpy self and I'm back to my chipper self and good vibrations abound. It's crazy how things happen; people you love disappear, you make bad choices (again & again), life seems like too much to bear, and all you can do is wait and let time work its magic. The thing is, despite the pain that life presents us, time always does work its magic. Earlier this summer all I could do to comfort myself was to remind myself that everyday would be a little easier, I counted everyday that passed as a tiny victory until I didn't need to count anymore.

I hope everyone is enjoying a fall day in their respective homes! I can't complain, school is back in session which means time to ogle all the sexy foreign grad students! What is it about those Europeans, they always lean in so close...

1 comment:

  1. oh, how i have been thinking similar thoughts lately. i have to keep repeating "this too shall pass" over and over in my head. and you're right, there is something about you and those european boys!
