
Patricia Clarkson

There is something strange going on between myself and Patricia Clarkson. It started a few months ago when I first saw her walking her dog on West 13th street. Then I saw her on the street again, and then again. Then one day we crossed paths again as I was ascending the stairs of the New School library. Today I was helping myself to some tofu at Life Thyme Natural Market on 6th ave. and she was doing some shopping of her own. Isn't is strange to run into such an understated celebrity not once, twice, but like 5 times, in a matter of a month or two! It's weird. She seems very normal and dresses like a hippie and I can't wait to see her in the new Woody Allen movie! Also did you guys see her in the Mother Lover SNL skit? It's as my friend Houman would say, much too much.