
The End

I'm reading a fascinating book about Nico. I'm almost through and it's been very interesting and at times bleak to follow her on tour in the 80s; a total mess and junkie with really very little to live for. What makes me even more sad is that when she finally did kick heroin, she died soon after from a freak bicycle accident in Spain. Her life really was full of tragedy. Her dad was killed by the Nazis, her mom died in a mental institute of cancer, and she was raped by an American soldier at a young age. Though she didn't come forward, some of his other victims did. At only 15 she was court-martialled and forced to testify at his prosecution. After he was sentenced to death and shot. Poor poor Nico.

1 comment:

  1. :( nico's life was very sad she was a damn bad junkie, nigga. on the other hand 'i'll keep it with mine' is pure as the driven snow ...
